Für die derivé-Schwerpunktnummer “Die Verstädterung der Arten”, zusammengestellt von Fahim Amir und Christina Linortner, habe ich den Text “We Have Never Been Earth - Biosphere 2 als ungeplantes Post-Human Experiment”beigesteuert. Erhältlich über derive.at oder in ausgewählten Buchhandlungen. -> Scan als .pdf
„The cells were surprisingly well-preserved, but we’re analysing how useful it‘s going to be,“ Dr. Sack of Ohio State University stated. (KAGO KAGO KAGO BE) The tallest cliff in the solar system, a Nazi as humanity’s first official ambassador to Aliens, a Powerpoint presentation with faked evidence, threadworm populations of C. elegans, icicles on the […]
Obviously a major malfunction / KAGO KAGO KAGO BE (Woran glauben die Motten, wenn sie zu den Lichtern streben) 28.1.-18.3.2012 Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Taking part in this group show at the re-opened 21er Haus in Vienna. Utopie Gesamtkunstwerk 20.1.-20.5. 2012 21er Haus, Wien
Saturday, August 27, 2011
In connection with my exhibition at Lentos (and the upcoming show at Kunsthaus Baselland) a catalogue has been published at the Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg (although we have never been modern, for sure).
Also filed in alles was auf deutsch, catalogues, exhibitions, publications, stuff in engl., texts, works
Tagged film, ruins, space, space colony, space shuttle, time
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Obviously a major malfunction / KAGO KAGO KAGO BE (Woran glauben die Motten, wenn sie zu den Lichtern streben) Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz 12.8.-23.10.2011
Also filed in alles was auf deutsch, exhibitions, stuff in engl., works
Tagged biosphere 2, film, life, lists, objects, ruins, space, space colony, space shuttle, time
multiplex fiction: Krõõt Juurak & Ralo Mayer at performIQ Festival Innsbruck 1.7.2010, 20h, Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen
3.6.-26.9.2010, Linz http://www.triennalelinz.at presenting an installation at OK – Offenes Kulturhaus, entitled: “Etwa mit geschlossenen Augen, Phosphene, Blue Arc, Haidinger-Büschel, dergleichen, Formkonstanten einer politischen Ökologie; ja, in der Art lässt sich der Gebäudekomplex darstellen, als Vorstellung. Archäologen entdeckten diese entoptischen Phänomene an den Wänden gewisser prähistorischer Höhlen. Da spricht nichts dagegen, dies auch hier zu […]
Also filed in exhibitions, stuff in engl.
Tagged biosphere 2, crystal, film, life, lists, penrose, ruins, space, space colony, time
Saturday, January 30, 2010
_ “I am sitting in a ruin, different from the one you are in now, and I’m contemplating a drop in midair resembling a novel (einer billigen Linse gleich), so that now, in the midst of its far flung debris, we calmly and adventurously go traveling through Biosphere 2, list of lists, O fringework of […]
Also filed in exhibitions, stuff in engl., works
Tagged biosphere 2, crystal, film, life, lists, penrose, ruins, space, space colony
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Anni Art, Beijing, 8.-26.11.2009 works by 15 artists from Austria who lived in China, organized by ASAP