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Tag Archives: time

Space Post Colonialism at Antenna Futura, Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Showing parts of my work Space Post Colonialism at the show Antenna Futura – Futurological Exercises for the Unknown

Cosmographies Conference

So I attended the Cosmographies Conference at Falmouth University on July 24th & 25th. My contribution had the title “We Have Never Been Earth” (like modern & like human) and I used some bits and pieces from my work to trace a sort of ecology of space (as in outer).

Space Post Colonialism, Measures of Saving the World, < rotor >, Graz

MEASURES OF SAVING THE WORLD _ PART 5 with Hannah Brackston, Catherine Grau / Zoe Kreye, Polonca Lovšin, Ralo Mayer, RESANITA, Kamen Stoyanov < rotor >, Graz, 15.3. – 24.5.2014

The Familiar / Schwindel is the Best Translation

My contribution for aforementioned BC21 award exhibition catalog: text + images + hokuspokus a disastrous search and a travelogue, starting with my recent trip to the Bay area, and spanning China Mieville, Space Colonization, Stanford University, a Masonic Lodge, Peyote and Vertigo. download / print the PDF (in Enrico Bravi’s wonderful layout!)

last moonwalk: today 40 years ago

ehm – moonride: Apollo 17


Taking part in this group show at the re-opened 21er Haus in Vienna. Utopie Gesamtkunstwerk 20.1.-20.5. 2012 21er Haus, Wien

new catalogue publication

In connection with my exhibition at Lentos (and the upcoming show at Kunsthaus Baselland) a catalogue has been published at the Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg (although we have never been modern, for sure).

exhibition at Lentos, Linz

Obviously a major malfunction / KAGO KAGO KAGO BE (Woran glauben die Motten, wenn sie zu den Lichtern streben) Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz 12.8.-23.10.2011

A text is a list of effects of being exposed to the vacuum of outer space und eine Parataxe ist eine in sich selbst faltende Falle

multiplex fiction: Krõõt Juurak & Ralo Mayer at performIQ Festival Innsbruck 1.7.2010, 20h, Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen

Triennale Linz

3.6.-26.9.2010, Linz presenting an installation at OK – Offenes Kulturhaus, entitled: “Etwa mit geschlossenen Augen, Phosphene, Blue Arc, Haidinger-Büschel, dergleichen, Formkonstanten einer politischen Ökologie; ja, in der Art lässt sich der Gebäudekomplex darstellen, als Vorstellung. Archäologen entdeckten diese entoptischen Phänomene an den Wänden gewisser prähistorischer Höhlen. Da spricht nichts dagegen, dies auch hier zu […]

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