nana prefab orange juice 1 mango
Ein Blick durch Millionen Tropfen, die sich durch Kondensation an der Innenseite des Glashauses sammeln; Erinnerungen an vergangene Zukünfte; die Liste möglicher Bibliografien zu “Biosphere 2: Projections of N-Dimensional Architecture”, S. 152 ff; Inventur der Anagramme von WHAT IS LIFE, z.B. I FELT A WISH. Kunstpavillon, Innsbruck, 17.7.-23.8.2008
A magazine of clay tablets, published and presented on the occasion of the exhibition Ein Blick durch Millionen Tropfen, die sich durch Kondensation… at Kunstpavillon Innsbruck (7/2008)
“This is the Sound of My Heart I Watched Her Say” (ca. 45 min)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The literatures of the various languages are replete with untranslatable books; today it is a commonplace in comparative literature and linguistics, or whatever these fields and their institutions of the academic spirit of the age currently prefer to call themselves, that every text, however trivial, contains facets that cannot be transferred into another linguistic […]
Being All Over the Place a miniature book with a model Science Fiction story about models and miniatures
Thursday, September 26, 1991
And this is a desert And this is a jungle And this is an ocean And this is an agriculture And this is a spaceframe And this is a sealing
Saturday, September 21, 1991
Atmosphere revitalization CO2 removal CO2 reduction O2 generation/supply Trace contaminant monitoring and control
Friday, November 16, 1973
some of 180 items on M487 (the “Habitability Experiment”) (source: L5-News, 09/79)