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Space Post Colonialism, Measures of Saving the World, < rotor >, Graz

with Hannah Brackston, Catherine Grau / Zoe Kreye, Polonca Lovšin, Ralo Mayer, RESANITA, Kamen Stoyanov
< rotor >, Graz, 15.3. – 24.5.2014


I’m showing a new work that includes a Sequoia tree-disc, pure silicon, Lophophora williamsii, the distance between the Earth and the Moon and the stuff that happened in the space between.
The installation is based on my trip to the San Francisco Bay area last year, where I did some research on the history of space settlements and met fantastic people. I also fell in love with those giant redwood trees – you might know them from such classics as Vertigo or Sans Soleil. With space colonies, it’s more like Avec Soleil, und zwar all the time: solar energy was the main economic idea behind the concrete plans to have them established by the year 2000. Because, you know, fossil fuels are gone and the world is polluted and overpopulated and now it’s even worse than those good old Limits to Growth.
I also found out that the German version of Hitchcock’s movie title is one of the biggest fails  in the history of translation. “Aus dem Reich der Toten”. Really? Really?! It would have been so easy:
Those space colonies are spinning as well, because artificial gravity.
I’m still pondering about Space Post-Colonialism and the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.

(If you have never read Allen Ginsberg’s Howl, do it right now)

Silicium, Sequoias, Schwindel: Kinder zwischen Mond und Erde, niemand weiss was dann passiert
(So what bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?), 2014
Prints on paper and aluminium-Dibond, Mammutbaumscheibe, silicon crystals, closed ecosystems, Lophophora Williamsii
HD-Video, 31 min (Space Post Colonialism: Travelogue SF)

with many many many thanks to: rotor, Rick Guidice, Al Globus, Scott Arford, Gwen Wrobel, Ascan Breuer, Oliver Gemballa, Philipp Haupt, Christina Linortner, the Anton Dorfmeisters, Franz Mayer, a drunken chainsaw virtuoso, Jon McKenzie, psi19, and surely a lot more.











  1. Lieber Ralo Mayer

    Wäre es möglich den Film (Space Post Colonialism: Travelogue SF?) irgendwie/irgendwo nochmal zu sehen, der bei Destination Wien auch gezeigt wurde? Ich studiere an der Angewandten Art&Science und wollte mir den Film so gerne nochmal wegen der Erzählweise anschaun.
    Liebe Grüsse aus Porto (wo ich derzeit die älteste Erasmusstudentin bin, wahrscheinlich…)
    Stefanie Koemeda

    Friday, December 4, 2015 at 5:35 pm | Permalink
  2. Jon Alexandr wrote:

    The conceptual installation for “Space Post Colonialism, Measures of Saving the World” is interesting but a little odd.

    What is the actual perspective on the idea of “space colonization”? Is it a positive perspective? Is it a negative perspective? Or is it a question?

    In any case, I most like the installation representing the distance between Earth and Moon in the correct scale relative to their diameters. Other people have done this in print, but to my knowledge this has not been done on the scale of a large room. Nice.

    Also, I appreciate the work of artist Rick Guidice. His paintings of space colonies were widely reproduced in print during the 1970s. I was recently able to see the original paintings in person at a nearby museum. I recommend that anyone in the local area go to see these paintings. They were iconic as reproductions in books and magazines, but the originals are impressive for their size and quality.

    Below is a link to the museum. The show of paintings by Rick Guidice continues until February 14, 2016.


    Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 7:30 pm | Permalink

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